I can't believe how quickly time flies by. To think that my last post was in February 2016 is beyond me. So much has happened since then.
For starters I traveled back to Australia for the second time. It was absolutely amazing to see all of my family again and get to know everyone even more. I miss them so much and wish that I would be able to see them more often. I keep hoping that they get to the U.S. sometime soon. As much as I wouldn't mind going back there, a 26 hour flight is not on the top of my list. However, family makes it all worth it.
Speaking of family, since the last time I blogged I have 3 new cousins. Lucia, Bennett, and Luke. I love spending time with Lucia. Bennett is very much a momma's boy and I don't really get to spend a lot of time with them. Hopefully at some point he will get used to me. Although he is almost a year and a half. I don't have high hopes to be honest. Then there is Luke. I have yet to get meet him. My cousin Angela lives in South Carolina so we only get to see them about once or twice a year. It makes me sad because I really loved spending time with her and we don't really talk that much right now. I honestly need to make more of an effort to talk with her.
I am still at my current job, although I am now a Marketing Lead. Things are just more stressful now, but that's normal right?
The biggest news is...I'M OFFICIALLY TAKEN!!!! That's right. I officially have a boyfriend. his name is Rob and he is the most amazing person that I have ever met and I am head over heels in love with this boy. He is Italian, Catholic, makes me smile, is funny, smart, hard working, caring, strong, and so much more. I truly can picture my entire life with him. I can't wait to see where the future goes and what is in store with us. Sorry, ladies this man is mine so hands off!
There has been so much change and crazy things that have been going on in a year and a half, it's safe to say that this life has truly been one magical adventure!