
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Full Day Interview?!

So I have another interview tomorrow for a sports marketing firm that I looked into. The job is sales marketing and to be quite honest I don't know if that is a job I even want to do. Needless to say, the company gave me another interview, but it is a FULL day!

My first thought was "Oh Crap! I don't want to spend the entire day there, especially when I don't even think I am going to take the job!" I ended up asking people for advice and it ended up being tied. Some thought I shouldn't waste my time and others said I should just do it and get the practice. It makes sense that everyone has to have practice interviews, but do they need to be a full day?! However, do I seriously want to waste my day, when I could be at my part-time job making money?

To make matters even harder, of course my mother and sister don't understand. I get that your parents "know best," but at the same time only you know what is best for you, and how you feel. Let's face it, it's not like I don't want to get a job, I just know what I want to do and this company, I don't believe, has it. Is it that hard for a parent to listen to their child. There are points that we just want to say "STOP TALKING! Can you at least TRY to understand where I am coming from!" But no they just keep on talking. I understand that parents just want the best for their kids, and I get we sometimes have to listen to things we don't want to hear. But parents maybe your advice would be better if you first understand how you kid feels.

When did interviews start going from an hour or two, to a full day? Am I crazy or do others think that a full day interview is over the top? Or do you feel like your parents, friends, people in general aren't fully listening and understanding you before they start giving you advice and press their views into your mind??  

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