
Friday, August 17, 2012

Turning a New Leaf

Last night I started to do some thinking about relationships. I've come to the realization that many girls, including myself at times, will fall for the "playboy" or "jerk" because they give us attention or make us feel wanted. But why do we do that? The reality is that at the end of the day we know we are not going to end up with them. They are a fluke, an inbetween stage until we find the guy who treats us well and we shows us that we deserve better.

However, we give up the search to find that good guy because we believe that they don't exist. The other problem is that when we find that good guy they want to just remain friends. So we attempt to settle, thinking that we can change the jerks and shape them into our ideal person. Yet we know that they aren't going to change. So why do we put up with it? Why do we put all our effort into the jerk and blow off the guy we should actually go for?

I won't lie. I am guilty of this. My good friend, Craig, tells me it all the time, and I realize it. But do you think I do anything! I know I should. There have been some guys in my life that I wish I would have taken a chance with, but I was too chicken to do anything. So I ended up going out with guys who had an ulterior motive and who pursued me. What makes it worse is that I'm not stupid, I knew what they want, even though they weren't going to get it.

Well last night, when I was attempting to fall asleep, I started thinking. Why do I put myself through all the crap and "heatache" (if you even want to call it that)? It's not worth it! No playboy jerk is worth wasting my thoughts or time over. I would much rather try and develop the relationship with guys who I actually like and care about. Plus maybe find some courage to do something about it.

We all get tempted with boneheads every once in a while, and they honestly might seem like a good guy at first. The reality is that their true colors shine through quick enough for you kick them to the curb! So I'm done with the idiots. It's not worth my time. I can be using that time to text a good friend and catch up with them, or work on pursuing a guy that I like. From this moment on no jerk, player, idiot is getting my attention. Period!

Anyone else feel like they have been stuck in a rut and need to make a change??

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